
Kyle Fights Crime In San Diego. (7)

"Good morning, Kyle!" says a rather familiar voice.

But this morning is not so good.

On the contrary, this morning is quite bad.

Kyle knows this because as soon as he awoke, he could hear a tapping on his roof and as soon as Kyle heard the tapping on his roof, he knew it was raining.

Kyle does not respond to the familiar voice, which so happens to be his mother.

Instead, Kyle motions to the ceiling, and his mother nods.

Kyle then decides that for the entire day, he would take a vow of silence, in the-opposite-of-honor of the rain.

Now that Kyle has decided not to speak, he now must figure out something else to do instead!

For several moments, Kyle concentrates intently, and then he takes a break to catch his breath.

Kyle almost says "Whew, that was some intense concentrating!" but then he remembers his recent vow of silence.

Kyle lets out a deep sigh and then gets back into some more intent concentrating.

Just then, an idea sparks! Kyle then points a finger in the air as if to say "Ah-ha!" but, he didn't say it. Because of the vow of silence, remember? Pay attention.

Kyle then rushes through his morning routine and waves goodbye to his mother on his way out the door.

Next, Kyle hops onto his Segway, and speeds off to the Market District, where his favorite A Capella group performs every Wednesday.

After he arrives, he searches as much as he can, before he comes to the realization that his favorite A Capella group is nowhere to be found.

Kyle almost cries, but he contains himself, barely. A soft whimper comes from Kyles lips before he sucks it up and be's a man. (grammatically incorrect, on purpose.)

After he calms down a bit, Kyle remembers it is only Tuesday, which explains why the A Capella group is absent.

Kyle is still a little upset that he doesn't get to see them, but he is also a little excited because he will get to see them tomorrow!

Now, seeing as though the corner where the A Capella group usually performs is empty, Kyle has taken it to himself to be an entertainer.

Without speaking, Kyle performs an extravagant version of Apollo 13, silently.

Now that that is done, Kyle can get on with the REAL reason he woke up this morning: to fight crime in the streets of San Diego!

Kyle then decides that if he is going to fight crime in San Diego, he most certainly will need to talk, so he puts his whole "vow of silence" thing on hold for awhile.

"Oh, blast!" says Kyle, very comical. "I'm not even CLOSE to San Diego, how will I ever get there?"

But just then, whizzing by on the corner of the street is one of his favorite vigilantes: Bucky Barnes!

"Hey, stop!" yells Kyle. "Wait a second! Hey you!"

And then, Bucky stops and turns to Kyle.

"Oh, you must be Kyle! Pardon me, I shouldn't have been going so fast, I was just in a hurry." Says Bucky.

"It's alright, I forgive you. Anyway, where are you headed anyway?"

"To San Diego! I just got a call from Nick Fury." He said the Thunderbolts were at again, causing all sorts of trouble with Ant-Man!"

"No way! I was actually headed that way myself, do you mind if I go with you?"

No, not at all! Let's go, together!"

And the two were off, at the speed of lightning! It took them less then four-hundred seconds to get to San Diego, which is quite shocking, with all the border-patrol and whatnot.

Anyway, they are now in San Diego and there, in the middle of the street are Radioactive Man and Songbird picking on poor, little, defenseless Ant-Man.

"Hey, you two bad-guys!" says Kyle, in an attempt to sound heroic. "You leave that poor little guy alone!"

And as Radioactive Man and Songbird are shocked and bewildered by Kyles remark, Bucky Barnes does a sneak-attack and traps them both!

"Ah shucks! You caught the both of us, just like that!" says Radioactive Man.

"Just like that, indeed." says Bucky.

"I can't believe we fell for the old 'confuse them, and then sneak around and trap them from behind' trick. I feel so had." says the sassy Songbird.

"Well, you see..." begins Bucky. "...we used a little thing that I like to call 'Teamwork'. Ever heard of it? I'm sure you have. It's quite effective." Bucky then turns to face Kyle.

"And I couldn't have done it without you, Kyle."

Kyle looks quite pleased with himself for saving the life of the little Ant Man, and he is also glad that he decided to talk.

"Thanks, Bucky. That means a lot, especially from you. But I didn't do it for the recognition. I did it for the poor, little, pathetic men that look like ants." Kyle says.

"Hey now! I was doing just fine before you two showed up! I had them right where I wanted them! I was about ready to unleash my human strength upon them!" yells Ant Man, quite defensively.

"Human strength, you say?" Says Bucky.

Kyle and Bucky then laugh for twenty-three hours and then Kyle walks home, knowing that another life is saved because of him.

This makes Kyle feel all giddy inside.

When Kyle gets home, his mother asks him how his day went.

Kyle just points to his lips.

"Ah, vow of silence, I get it." says Kyle's mother.

Kyle then turns around and winks into the hidden cameras there, there, and there.

The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY! what happened to kyles vow of silence for an entire day..half way through he starts talking! hahha lol still funny though =]