
Kyle Goes To Jail. (13)

Kyle wakes up to the sound of rain.

This immediately makes Kyle feel a sudden pain in his left foot.

"OUCH!" yelps Kyle, at the pain in his left foot.

Kyle then suddenly gets depressed, because he knows that when he wakes up to a pain in his left foot, it must be raining.

Kyle doesn't like the rain. Not one little bit.

After the pain slowly goes away, Kyle's depression starts to go away, too.

Feeling a little better, Kyle decides to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, and have an awesome day.

Thinking about this makes Kyle begin to feel awesome, too. But just as he starts to imagine what he is going to do, he has a startling realization: he doesn't know what he's going to do.

Again, Kyle feels depressed, so he sits in a chair, to think about some things.

The first thing Kyle thinks about is Mumbai. But Kyle doesn't really know anything about Mumbai, except that it's in India, so it was a relatively short thought.

Next, Kyle thinks about how at the beginning of every single quarter of school, he buys a new pack of mechanical pencils, and yet at the end of every quarter, he never has any left.

This puzzles Kyle, because he never remembers any of his pencils running out of lead, and when he lets people borrow his pencils, he always makes sure to get them back.

This thought, compared to the last one, is quite long.

Kyle then decides to change his thought, because he is getting frusterated.

After several minutes of thinking of what to think, Kyle remains without a thought.

Then Kyle begins to think about how he doesn't have anything to think about, but this makes Kyle confused, so he stops thinking about that.

Confused, Kyle goes to get a bottle of water from the local grocery store.

"Strolling along to the grocery store" Kyle begins to sing, set to the tune of the Gnome Mobile song, from that movie "The Gnome Mobile"

Then Kyle remembered how much he liked that movie when he was a child, and wonders if he can find it on Amazon.com

Yes, he thinks he can.

This makes Kyle feel a little bit happier, but not any less confused.

Once at the grocery store, Kyle notices that his favorite friend Donatello is working.

Kyle wishes he was better friends with Donatello, because he is a Ninja Turtle, and a teenage one as well.

Kyle then strikes up a conversation with Donatello, asking him how Splinter is doing.

Donatello has no idea what Kyle is talking about.

Kyle then remembers that Donatello is not actually a Ninja Turtle, he's just a teenager, with the name of Donny.

This makes Kyle laugh, because Donny would never make it as a Ninja, and even though Kyle is much smaller than Donny, he feels he could take him any day of the week.

Except the Lords day.

After his close encounter with Donny, Kyle rushes to the cold beverage isle in search of a bottle of water.

"Ah-ha! There you are!" Shouts Kyle, loud enough for all in the grocery store to hear.

"The refreshing taste of delicious water is mine!"

Just then, Donny runs up to Kyle and takes the bottle of water right out of his hands!

This makes Kyle angry. Really, really angry.

Unable to control himself, Kyle "Hulks Out" as he calls it, and begins to go a little bit crazy.

Fists flying, legs swinging, head flailing; Kyle is kicking tail.

Kyle is feeling very good at the moment.

A pleased look is across his face.

Several minutes later, Kyle hears a siren getting louder and louder.

For a moment, he stops the beating to look around, and that is when he sees the faces.

On every single person in the store: a very specific look of horror and fear.

Kyle then looks back at Donny, who looks slightly more like a Ninja Turtle than he did before. Kyle then realizes that he needs to jet, so he gives Donny one last roundhouse, and gets the heck out of there.

Running to the front entrance, Kyle decides that there will probably be several police man's waiting for him, so he pumps the breaks and does a quick 180.

Now, Kyle is running towards the back entrance.

This is a decision Kyle is very satisfied with.

Once he's there, Kyle heads left towards an alley, and takes refuge in a large metal garbage container.

"Victory is mine! Those boys in blue would never think to look here!" whispers Kyle.

Then, after sitting in the garbage container for several minutes, Kyle notices that there is another person in the container with him.

"Uhm, hello?" says Kyle.

"Hello, welcome to my home" says an unnamed garbage container dweller.

"Oh, thanks...you don't mind if I stay here a few days, do you? Until the fuzz backs off" asks Kyle.

"Oh of course not, mi casa es su casa" says the unnamed garbage container dweller.

Kyle then leaves the container immediately, because he hates voodoo.

As soon as Kyle leaves, he is not very nicely greeted by a large officer of the law.

"Awww snap!" reckons Kyle.

Then the Po-po slaps the cuffs on our hero, and wheels him off to the station.

Kyle then starts to think of a plan.

Now, usually Kyles plans aren't very good, and poorly constructed, and this one is no different.
The first step: Kyle politely asks the pig for a cig, to which he naturally will oblige.

The second step: Kyle lights the cig and shoves it into the cops eye, causing him to run around screaming in pain.

The third step: Kyle teleports the heck out of there, and forgets this whole thing ever happened.
As soon as Kyle finishes thinking up this plan, he tries it out.

"Excuse me, may I please trouble you for a cigarette? I am feeling a little freaked out."

Then, the officer looks at Kyle and shakes his head.

This makes Kyle feel sad, because he might be stuck in prison for a long time.

After he is "bagged and tagged", Kyle is placed in a cell with a man named "Raphael"

This makes Kyle chuckle, because he clearly is angry, much like the Ninja Turtle.

Then, Kyle suddenly realizes that this fellow next to him is indeed Raphel, the Ninja Turtle!

"Oh my god! It's you! It's really you!" shouts Kyle.

"Yeah, it is! I've been waiting for you Kyle, let's get out of here!"Then the two bust open the cell door, and make a run for it.

Sadly, Raphael gets shot, and probably dies.

But Kyle doesn't!

He makes it all the way home, and takes a long nap, because it's been a long day.

The End.